Managing Your Unit's Membership

Managing your unit's membership has gotten easier! As a resource, we will address common questions asked by NAACP units. Get more information on how to keep track of and monitor your unit's leadership, membership, and other activities.
Frequently Asked Questions
Please send a request to members@naacpnet.org. We will need payment and a total number of membership applications.
Application Costs:
- 500 - $25.00
- 250 - $15.00
- 100 - $10.00
Provide full contact information including member ID# to members@naacpnet.org.
Plaques are given to our fully paid silver, gold, and diamond members. If you haven't received your plaque, within 4-6 weeks of confirmation of final payment, please send an email to members@naacpnet.org.
The Board has approved the following access to the Membership Portal. You must take training before you are granted access. Click here to register for training.
- All Units and State Executive Directors - Granted the same access given to Secretaries. However, this is only if the Secretary or Asst. Secretary is not managing the Membership Portal for the unit.
- State Secretaries -Access to view unit rosters and compliant status of units within the state.
- State Secretary or Asst. Secretary, Youth Advisors, Youth Council or College Chapter Secretaries (must determine one position) should be designated as the unit contact for the unit and have access to unit information.
- Unit President - Can only view data.
- Unit Secretary – Provide Administrative duties and can process and edit membership records.
- Unit Assistant Secretary – If the Secretary is not able to perform her duties, the assistant secretary receives the same level of access as the Unit secretary.
- Unit Treasurer - Once the Secretary enters the new members into the portal, the payment link will be sent. It is the Treasurer's responsibility to submit payments via the payment link.
- Membership Chairs can enter memberships, if the Secretary or Assistant Secretary is unable to complete their duties. This information will need updating on the Unit Update Officer Form.
A unit's roster is pre-populated on the Dashboard within the Membership Portal. The Secretary has complete access to the Unit roster. Please make the request from your Unit's secretary.
A Unit Transfer form is used when a member needs to select a new unit. The member can contact the Unit's secretary or a member can click here to initiate the membership transfer.
The Unit Officer report lists the officers of the Unit and lists names addresses and telephone numbers of officers. This form is usually completed after an election or when there's a change in officers of the unit. Click here to access the form.
Once you are listed on the Officer Update Form and have taken the training, your credentials will be emailed to the email you used to register for training.
Balances can be obtained for subscribing members by email request: members@naacpnet.org
Once the Secretary enters the new members into the portal it is the Treasurer's responsibility to submit payments via the payment link in the Membership Portal. The Treasurer will use the following link:
https://paylianceproduct2.rpropayments.com/Login/CheckOutFormLogin/HCEYyPDjdayVVxMI4W9Q7bGJRso-We encourage all secretaries to use the Membership Portal when entering new members and for treasurers to process payments.
In the event, the portal is not available, please send your Membership applications and supporting documentation to, NAACP National Office, Membership Dept. 4805 Mt. Hope Drive, Baltimore, MD 21215.
Yes, a member can renew on the National website. We encourage use of their Member ID when renewing.
Once the AFR (Annual Financial Report) is approved, the unit's financial and membership status will be reflected in the NAACP membership portal. March 1st is the deadline date for AFR compliance. After March 1, a late fee of $100.00 applies.
Once a member's payment is approved (funds verified), a payment is sent via check or through ACH to the Unit's bank account.
Access the NAACP Resolutions here.
The constitution and bylaws can be viewed on our website.
Purchase your copies here.
Visit the NAACP Store here.