Resource Library

Growing Our Membership
A toolkit housing resources for units and branches across the country.

Charter a NAACP Branch or Youth Unit
Learn how to start a NAACP Branch or Youth unit

NAACP Unit Tax Consent Form
Find an online tax consent form for NAACP units.

Guide for NAACP Committee Written Reports
This is the guide for NAACP written committee reports.

The Ongoing Need for Debt Relief: Updates on Student Loan Forgiveness
As Americans await the Supreme Court decision, the implementation of new PSLF regulations, and other debt-relief options, the NAACP recommends that borrowers use the Association's website for updated information regarding the upcoming Supreme Court decision.

Managing Your Unit's Membership
Get more information on how to keep track of and monitor your unit's leadership, membership, and other activities.

Direct Action / Special Event Application
To obtain an insurance certificate for an event, all units must complete the Special Event Application.

NAACP Adult Branch Officer Update Form
Use this form to update the NAACP national office and state conference of new branch officers

Annual Financial Report
Download the annual financial report to complete for your unit.

Coal Blooded Action Toolkit
The Coal Blooded Action Toolkit is for NAACP units who want to fight toxic coal plants in their community.

Youth and College Elections COVID-19 Update
Learn about NAACP's Youth and College Division's elections protocol during COVID-19.