Still haven't received your Branch Election Ballot?

Still haven't received your Branch Election Ballot?
Leadership in our units is key to our ability to mobilize in communities nationwide. The NAACP Elections Procedure Manual will help branch officials conduct effective, transparent elections.
Based on requirements outlined in the NAACP Constitution and By-Laws for Units, this manual covers guidance on the branch election process, youth voting, and required notices to unit members.
In August, of even-numbered years, NAACP units begin the process to elect leaders for the upcoming year. This is a simple outline of what should occur during the 4-month NAACP Branch election process. For more details, review Article IX, Section 2 of the Bylaws for Units and the Branch Election Manual.
If there is a violation of the election process a complaint must be made to the National Office prior to the next meeting. The National Office may institute corrective action to ensure the rights of members are protected.
Unit leadership will send a notice to all members in good-standing, postmarked at least 10 days prior to the September meeting. The notice must include the date, time, location and purpose of the September, October and November meetings. A notice must also be placed in the local newspaper for these meetings at least 10 days prior, as well as another 10 days prior to the November election.