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Recognition of Legal Aid Services Corporation (LSC) for Defending Low Income Families

WHEREAS, as the largest provider of civil legal aid to the poor, it supports programs that touch families in every state. Persons of all ethnic and racial backgrounds know Legal Aid's work, and women, who represent 75 percent of LSC-supported clients, especially benefit from its expertise; and


WHEREAS, during an economic crisis, the work of the LSC is especially important. When families face foreclosure, eviction, bankruptcy and when communities are targeted by predatory lenders, they need the help of legal professionals. Fortunately, LSC stands ready to meet these demands; and


WHEREAS, President Barack Obama signed a proclamation proclaiming July 23, 2009 as the 35th Anniversary of the Legal Services Corporation. Words in the proclamation read, "Every day the Legal Services Corporation breathes life into the timeless ideal, "equal justice under the law." It reaches those who cannot afford assistance they need and those who would otherwise go without vital representation; and


WHEREAS, the Kansas City, Missouri NAACP Branch recognized, honored and expressed its great appreciation to Legal Aid of Western Missouri and the Legal Services Corporation for the work that is being done to defend low-income families.


THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the entire Association recognizes Legal Services Corporation for bringing legal counsel to every corner of the Nation.