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NAACP Supports Strong Advocacy in Support of our Nation's Veterans
The NAACP calls on all units to encourage their members to participate in 67 minutes of service on Mandala Day, which represents Mr. Mandala's 67 years of service.
NAACP Strongly Supports an Increase in the Federal Minimum Wage
The NAACP specifically endorses and supports an increase in the federal Minimum Wage for all workers, and that the NAACP supports an increase in the tipped Minimum Wage and that the NAACP strongly supports indexing the minimum wage to inflation.
NAACP Supports Uniform Heirs Property Laws
The NAACP support legislation on the state and federal level such as the Uniform Partition of Heirs Property Act, as approved by the Council of State Governments.
NAACP Supports Safe, Sane and Sensible Laws to Prevent Gun Violence
The NAACP reiterates its strong support for safe, sane and sensible measures to end gun violence.
NAACP Supports the Global Arms Trade Treaty
The NAACP supports the Global Arms Trade Treaty and calls for the United States Senate to ratify the Treaty.
Support for Micronesians Living in the United States
The NAACP through its staff and/or volunteers demonstrate such support through written statements to members of Congress for redress of COFA migrants by calling for an amendment to Title IV of the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 to permit Medicaid coverage for citizens of the Freely Associated States lawfully residing in the United States under the Compacts of Free Association between the Government of the United States and the Governments of the Federated States of Micronesia, the Republic of the Marshall Islands, and the Republic of Palau.
Celebrate and Defend the Fourteenth Amendment
NAACP celebrates, commemorates and defends the Fourteenth amendment, including all of its provisions for birthright citizenship and equality before the law.
NAACP Supports Strong Advocacy in Support of our Nation's Veterans
The NAACP Task Force on Veterans' Affairs shall work with Armed Services and Veterans Affairs committees to achieve these objectives stated above.
NAACP Supports the Establishment and Increased Use of Specialized Veterans' Treatment Courts
The NAACP calls on all local branch Armed Services and Veterans Affairs Committees, in coordination with the branch Criminal Justice Committee, to advocate for establishing or enhancing Veterans Treatment Courts in their area.
Impact and Advice on Voting Rights Following Felony Convictions
The NAACP stands in support of urging each State/State-Area Conference to urge its judges and attorneys in criminal courts to advise criminal defendants regarding the impact of a felony conviction on his/her right to vote and how to have his/her voting rights reinstated, following such felony conviction, incarceration and/or parole.
Celebrating The Life Of Maxine A. Smith
NAACP celebrates the life of Maxine A. Smith who passed on April 26, 2013, at the age of 83 years, a champion for civil rights and the free and unfettered access to quality education for all African Americans. The NAACP continues its mission to ensure that a quality education is available to all.
NAACP Calls a For a 21st Century Voting Rights Act and Expresses Deep Outrage at the U.S. Supreme Court Decision in Shelby County vs. Holder
Building upon the organizing efforts of NAACP units, the NAACP will launch Freedom Summer 2014 in multiple states across the nation. Freedom Summer 2014 will be organized in consultation with leaders and participants of Freedom Summer 1964. Freedom Summer 2014 will focus on intensive volunteer-led voter education, protection and registration efforts in states with historical and current attempt to suppress voting rights.