Frequently Asked Questions
Common questions asked regarding the 116th NAACP National Convention.
- What is the NAACP?
- Vision: We envision an inclusive community rooted in liberation where all persons can exercise their civil and human rights without discrimination.
- Mission: Our mission is to achieve equity, political rights, and social inclusion by advancing policies and practices that expand human and civil rights, eliminate discrimination, and accelerate the well-being, education, and economic security of Black people and all persons of color.
- How can I support the mission of the NAACP?
- The NAACP legacy is long: our work consistent: to build Black political, social, and economic power to end racial injustice. We encourage you to consider investing in our work through individual giving, becoming a champion for change, or corporate giving and sponsorship, partner with us by becoming a member, volunteering or by simply opening your networks and resources.
- Every dollar you give to the NAACP, a 501(c)(4) nonprofit organization, and NAACP Empowerment Programs, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, is used to push our organization's mission forward. We take pride in how we utilize your donations to continue the fight toward Black liberation.
- What is the NAACP?
- What is the NAACP National Convention?
- The NAACP National Convention is an empowering and immersive experience held each year to celebrate our community's collective power. The Convention attracts innovative change-makers, thought-leaders, entrepreneurs, scholars, entertainers, influencers, and creatives to network and exchange ideas.
- We gather, collectively, to foster our intergenerational approach to advocacy. Main stage discussions, luncheons, and the experience hall connect activists, allies, and entrepreneurs from varying backgrounds who are all committed to the same thing: thriving together.
- What is this year's Convention theme?
- The theme for this year's convention will be revealed closer to the event place.
- Where will the 116th National Convention take place?
- Charlotte, NC
- What are the dates and locations of future National Conventions?
- July 18-22, 2026 – 117th National Convention - Chicago, IL
- July 10-14, 2027 – 118th National Convention - Long Beach, CA
- What is the NAACP National Convention?
Compliance Resources
- I am a delegate/alternate; can I register myself?
- No. Delegates cannot register themselves. Only compliant units and state conferences will receive the registration link. Please contact your unit or state conference secretary to register if you are a delegate. Your unit or state conference Secretary should review this document for instructions.
- I am a delegate/alternate. Can I register as an observer?
- No. Only the unit or state conference secretary can register delegates. Please contact your unit or state conference secretary to register, or see here for instructions.
- I am a Unit or State Conference Secretary. How do I register my delegates and alternates?
- Only nationally compliant units and state conferences can register delegates. Secretaries of nationally compliant state conferences and units will receive an email inviting them to register their delegates. Delegates and alternates must be active members. The email will come from NAACP Registration – NAACPConvention@conferencedirect.com.
- For more information on what's needed in order to register delegates, please click here for the Unit & State Conference Secretary Checklist.
- Can delegates vote virtually?
- No, all voting is in person this year.
- How can I confirm my compliance status?
- Please login to the member portal to see your compliance status or email NAACP membership services at membershipservices@naacpnet.org.
- What is national compliance for State Conferences and Units?
- National compliance consists of Member Compliance and Financial Compliance.
- What is Unit national compliance?
- Unit national compliance consists of member compliance and financial compliance.
- Unit Financial compliance consists of submitting the Annual Financial Report by March 1, 2025.
- Unit Membership compliance consists of meeting the minimum number of members by March 31, 2025.
- Adult units must have 50 active members by March 31
- Youth units must have 25 active members by March 31
- What is the State Conference national compliance?
- National compliance consists of member compliance and financial compliance.
- Financial compliance consists of submitting the Annual Financial Report and:
- Adult state conferences must submit their Annual Financial Report (AFR) by March 1.
- Youth state conferences must submit their Annual Financial Report (AFR) by March 1.
- Membership compliance consists of meeting the minimum number of members by March 31.
- Adult state conferences must have six (6) membership-compliant adult and youth units by March 31.
- Youth state conferences must have six (6) membership complaint units by March 31.
- For assistance with your Annual Financial Report, please contact ufi@naacpnet.org.
- I am a delegate/alternate; can I register myself?
The NAACP is committed to ensuring all attendees have the best experience possible.
The NAACP will make every effort to honor your accommodations request. If you will be attending the 116th NAACP National Convention and require special arrangements and/or disability-related accommodations, please select the appropriate boxes and provide details on the registration and hotel reservation forms.
If you need accommodation once you are on-site at 116th NAACP National Convention, please visit the 116th NAACP National Convention Registration Desk.
Our staff and volunteers are trained to provide assistance to attendees with disabilities. If you require any disability-related accommodations or assistance during the event, please don't hesitate to ask.
The NAACP can provide a wide variety of services and resources for in-person and convention attendees.
How do I make a request for American with Disability Act (ADA) accommodation?
Please submit your accommodations request(s) when you register for the 116th National Convention and when you make your hotel reservations.
If you have already registered for the 116th National Convention and need to note additional requests, please email us at NAACPConvention@conferencedirect.com.
Everyone attending ACT-SO, the Convention, participating in a convention event, or visiting The Hub MUST be registered. A badge or ticket is required to participate in all convention events.
- What are the COVID-19 protocols for Convention?
- Based on current COVID-19 trends, the Department of Health and Human Services lifted the Presidential Declaration of a National Public Health Emergency arising from the COVID-19 pandemic on May 11, 2023. Therefore, COVID-19 will no longer be considered a national health emergency. We will continue to monitor trends and act accordingly based on Centers for Disease Control (CDC) guidance. Learn more here.
- Your health and safety remain our top priority while attending the NAACP Convention and all NAACP events. COVID-19 vaccinations and boosters are strongly recommended.
- NAACP recommends that all attendees be fully vaccinated in accordance with the CDC guidelines. Boosters are strongly recommended but are not required.
- Wearing facial coverings throughout 116th National Convention is also recommended but is not required.
- If you become ill before attending the convention, please stay home and contact your healthcare provider for the safety and well-being of yourself and others. If you feel ill on-site, please self-isolate immediately and contact your healthcare provider. Should you need a medical professional, we will have EMTs on-site at the convention center who can attend to your medical needs.
- What are the COVID-19 protocols for Convention?
- How do I get information about sponsorship opportunities for the 116th National Convention?
- For more information about sponsorship opportunities, please contact Development at sponsorconvention@naacpnet.org.
- How do I get information about sponsorship opportunities for the 116th National Convention?
- Where do media register for the conference and what are the benefits?
- All media will need to complete an application to be considered to receive credentials for 116th NAACP National Convention. Once your application is approved you will be provided with instructions on how to register. Media will have access to most of the sessions during the convention and will also have access to a media center for exclusive access to interviews. For additional questions, please email communications@naacpnet.org.
- Where do media register for the conference and what are the benefits?